1、DIY:Do It Yourself的縮寫,自己動手做的意思。 例句:清歡太壞了,青眉電腦壞了找他修,他讓青眉DIY。
2、SOHO:Small Office Home Officer的簡稱,意思是「在家辦公」。 例句:《遊俠秀秀》的作者小非是SOHO一族啊。
3、BUG:原意是「臭蟲」,後來把跟電腦有關的故障都稱之為「BUG」。 例句:每回俠客社區出現BUG,青眉都急得跳腳。
4、I服了U:我服了你……周星星片子裡的經典台詞。 例句:你居然能讓清歡不對你說「不」,I服了U!
5、伊妹兒:Email的音譯,電子郵件的意思。也可簡稱為「妹兒」。 例句:青眉從來不用伊妹兒,給她寫信是沒用的啦。
6、CU:See You的縮寫帶音譯,再見。 例句:CU,今天就到這裡吧。
7、IC:I See的縮寫帶音譯,我知道了。 例句:IC,你是個神經病。(《大話西遊》裡的經典台詞)
8、Q:Cute 的音譯,可愛。 例句:傲月寒長得好Q,像個芭比娃娃。
13、LOL:Laugh Out Loud,大笑。
14、KFC:Kill fu*king customers。
15、PK:player kill。
16、BTW:By the way,順便說一句。
17、BRB:Be right back,馬上回來。
18、TTYL:Talk to you later,回頭再談。
19、BBL:Be back later,過會兒就回。
20、kick your ass:打你屁屁。
23、RUOK:Are you OK?
24、IOWAN2BWU:I only want to be with you。
25、M you like crazy。
26、CUL8R:see you later。
27、IMHO:In my humble opinion。

CU: See you
CYA: See ya(See you的美式口語)
RUOK: Are you OK?
IOWAN2BWU: I only want to be with you
M$ULKeCraZ: Miss you like crazy
OIC: Oh, I see
Thx: Thanks
CUL8R: See you later
BTW: By the way/between
BS: Bullshit
IMO: In my opinion
IMHO: In my humble opinion
WTH: What the hell
j/k: Just kidding
lol: Laugh out loud
brb: Be right back
sry: Sorry
nvm: Never Mind
dunno: don't know
FYI: For Your Information
OMG: Oh my god
ASAP: As soon as possible
RUJ : Are You Jocking
O rly?: Oh really? [「噢,真的嗎?」。此句有一貓頭鷹作形像。]
Ya rly: Yeah really [「是真的。」。上句的回應。]
No wai(ii...): No way(yy...) [「不可能的——」。上句的回答,這三句可說是聯在一起、預先有其回答的。]
...!!11cos(0)1eleven1: ...!!!!!!!!! [即是一堆感嘆號,「情緒非常激烈」之意。原本 "!" 的打法是按緊 Shift 鍵加按 1 鍵,之後的 "1" 是故意模仿鬆開Shift 鍵後時繼續按 1 鍵而出的。再過份的人會故意打些與 1 同義的東西,例如cos(0) :「零個像限的餘弦等於一」、 eleven :十一、 one hundred and one :一百一十一,等等。]
AFK: Alway From Keyboard (人不在電腦前, 或掛網)

lol laughing out loud  大笑
brb  be right back
btw  by the way
bbiab  be back in a bit
bbl  be back later
thx  thanks
sup  What's up
l8r  later
ttyl  talk to you later
ttfn  ta ta for now
gmta  great minds think alike
imho  in my humble opinion
np  no problem
gtg  got to go

lol = laugh out loud
brb = be right back
gtg = got to go
sup = what's up
nm = nothing much 或者 nevermind
sry = sorry
thx = thanks
ty = thank you
np = no problem
wb = welcome back
yw = you are welcome
uw = you are welcome
gonna = going to
wanna = want to
juss = just
c = see
u = you
r = are
w/ = with
omg = oh my god
gosh = god
4 = for
2 = to (today=2day, tomorrow=2morrow)
naw = no
nope = no
uh huh = yes
yeah = yes
yah = yes
ya = you or yes
yep = yes
yup = yes
z = s ( example: words = wordz, thanks = thankz)
kindda(kinda) = kind of
whatcha = what are you
gotcha = got you
k = ok
dat = that
ie = y (funnie = funny, sillie = silly)
mah(muh)= my
ur = your
kewl = cool (school = skewl)
8 = eight = ate (skater = sk8r, l8r=later)
y = why
cuz = because
becuz = because
b/c = because
tho =though
w/e = whatever
lmao = laugh my ass off
@$$ = Ass -_-
o = oh
h/o = hold on
j/s = just a second
juss a sec = just a second
wtf = wut the f*ck
wth = wut the hell
wut = what
cya = see you
pls = please
oic = oh i see
asap = As Soon As Possible
aka = as known as

motw = map of the week // PGT 主頁每週都會公告一到兩副特定地圖,當週使用這些地圖遊戲獲勝者將會得到額外加分。

  aka = also known as // 這個就是馬甲了

  brb = be right back //馬上回來

  WTF = what the f**k (意想不到的意思)//這是TMD什麼鳥

  ttyl = talk to you later //過一會兒和你聊

  lol = laugh out loud //大笑

  hf = have fun //玩得高興

  gl =good luck //祝你好運

  ds = dont suck //別讓人煩了

  dd = dont die //別掛了

  gtg =got to go //準備好了 開始吧

  afk =away from keyboard //現在人不在電腦前面

  brb =be right back // 馬上回來

  T_T=Nada vs H.O.T.!! //這個來歷無敵啊,PP2002/2003里的Nada的10個戰列艦被HOT的自殺蝙蝠撞了,他打了個T_T,結果解說居然說他打的GG……

  stfu = shut the f**k up! // 快閉上鳥嘴

  lmao = laugh my ass off //笑翻了



asap=as soon as possible 盡快  
any guys wanna chat pvt me  
PS =postscript 又及,附註  
BTW =by the way 順便說  
OIC= oh, I see 哦,我明白了  
F2F =face to face 面對面  
CUL =see you later 回頭見  
如果跟外國人聊天(特別是在ICQ TEENS聊天室)有人問你 cyber or clean chat  
一定要說 clean chat  
外國人開放得很無所謂 我們就不行了TAT~  
ICQ=I seek you   
know = no  
and = nd
before = B4  
Later = L8R  
Forever = 4evr  
School = schl  
because = coz   
imo = in my opinion 我的看法是我覺得

OMG=oh my god  
ASL=Age Sex Location
一般回答:(假設是14歲來自中國的GIRL) 14/f/cn  
cam=webcam  視頻聊天  
mic 麥克風
thx=thank you  
wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎麼樣你?/有什麼事兒嘛?)也可作為問好用(當然是比較熟的兩個人之間的問候),回答時有事說事,沒事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。  
lol=laugh out loud 大笑  
cu=see you=再見  


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